"Tuesday," a debut film by Daina O. Pusić, is a heart-rending fairy tale that brings an unusual and profound story to the screen. Julia Louis-Dreyfus delivers a profoundly moving performance as a mother navigating the depths of grief alongside her teenage daughter, played by Lola Petticrew. Together, they must confront Death, which takes the astonishing form of a talking bird, making for a deeply emotive narrative about loss and resilience.
Read MoreSomnium (2024)
"Somnium" is a mesmerizing blend of sci-fi and horror, masterfully crafted by Racheal Cain. The film follows small-town Gemma, who moves to Los Angeles after a painful breakup, hoping to make it big. To get on her feet, she takes a job working the overnight shift at Somnium, a mysterious, experimental sleep clinic where dreams are made real.
Read MoreThe Exorcism (2024)
"The Exorcism," directed by Joshua John Miller, is set to haunt cinemas from June 21st. The film stars an impressive cast, including Russell Crowe, Ryan Simpkins, Sam Worthington, Chloe Bailey, Adam Goldberg, and David Hyde Pierce. This meta-horror flick follows Anthony Miller, a troubled actor who begins to unravel while filming a supernatural horror movie.
Read MoreWormwood (2006)
Some of my favorite things to write about are microbudget films, trash films, and films made in my hometown of Columbus, Ohio. 2006’s Wormwood checks all of those boxes. Directed and produced by James Maynard, and scripted by Maynard and Brett Blumfield, the budget was a minuscule $400 according to one of the less scathing reviews on IMDb.
Read MoreHoney, I Shrunk the Kids (1989) #RetroReview
I first saw Joe Johnston’s Honey, I Shrunk the Kids at a drive-in during its initial release in 1989. I was 11 and already a sci-fi junkie, so of course I loved it. Looking back, it’s not surprising that I took to this film as much as I did, as two men who I would come to admire later in life for their imaginative efforts in the horror genre shepherded this production through its earliest stages.
Read MoreBuying Time (2024)
No matter your thoughts on the whys and wherefores of the pandemic era, there’s no denying its ongoing impact on our culture. That being said, I’m somewhat surprised by the seeming reluctance of filmmakers to explore themes related to the situation. This brings me to producer/director Kris Smith and producer/writer/editor Andy Blithe’s no-budget near-future thriller, Buying Time.
Read MoreGood Boy (2022)
Having been on my list to see since seeing the poster, I was excited to finally check out Good Boy. The cast is fully committed, delivering performances that make the bizarre premise almost believable. The film's color temperature lends a dreamlike quality to every scene, with a soft and ethereal filter that enhances the surreal atmosphere.
Read MoreIn a Violent Nature (2024)
I enjoy when filmmakers take chances, especially when I think they work. Writer/director Chris Nash swings for the fences with his new slasher, In a Violent Nature. So, yes, this won’t be for everyone blah blah blah.
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